Below is an example of "Glamorous" (as I call it), maternity photography. Photographers all have different styles and will of course give you what the current trends command.
It may be presumptious of me to say that most pregnant woman want photographs that make them look and feel beautiful and a lot of this is achieved with make up, wardrobe, artificial lighting, creative poses either in studio or at outdoor location shoots and loads of post processing.
Don't get me wrong but there is nothing wrong with this and there are some really beautiful portraits of pregnant woman taken this way.
image borrowed from
So whilst browsing the internet for new ideas, I stumbled across these images by Julia Merrett. Her powerful showcase embraces the pregnant subjects true beauty and reveals the reality of being pregnant. Upon viewing the photographs you realise that these are shot in the subjects home encapsulating the personality and raw sense of being. The poses are simple and uncomplicatedly real. The story in every image, unique. Julia is powerful artist and has an eye for capturing the true essence of being in her subjects. Julia keeps it real. Go see for yourself.
all images credits go to the owners. this as an opinion article